Welcome to the new PHC website
The Paisley hillwalking club website is being upgraded; use the navigation menus to see the main pages or visit the Home page.
Any reports of broken links, errata or suggestions for improvements should be sent to phcwebadmin@paisleyhillwalkingclub.org.uk
Latest news and reports of recent trips
2nd February Ben Cleuch walk

It was dry and cloudy. There was a very cold wind at high level. A lot of snow about as well. Billy and Lilian had left earlier to do a longer walk and met us on the summit. Pub stop The Wool Pack Inn.
30th January PHC open event

The club is held a meet and greet event before the start of the 2025 walk programme for existing members and new faces interested in joining the club this year and wanting to learn more information.
The event is was held on Thurs 30th January between 19:30 – 22:00 at Two Towns Down Brewing Taproom, 47 Back Sneddon Street, Paisley.